Snow Caving Trip to Paradise

My first snow-cave, Pre-collapse.

Recently I went on my first snow-caving trip to Paradise, in Mount Rainier National Park. After we got out of the car and found a good spot, we started digging our snow cave. About half way through it's construction,  our collapsed on my partner Vail.  Although he was fine, all our hard work was gone. Thankfully some of our scout leaders helped build a new one. 

By then it was getting  dark, so we helped clear snow, then we left and had a dinner. When we came back to the cave,we found that it had a low ceiling which made it quite claustrophobic. Then we got in our sleeping bags and got right to sleep. When I woke the camp was bustling with activity and boys complaining about frostbite. Vail told me he woke up several times to pee in a bottle.  We struggled to get  our boots on, for they were frozen solid. I manged to slip on my boots, but veil was having trouble, so I helped him get them on. When we were walking to the cars to eat our breakfast of oatmeal, his boot fell off and he had to hop to the cars. I went to defrost his boots in the bathrooms (which were heated). After that I helped someone cook breakfast. Finally we packed up, got in the cars, and drove away.       
